Teeth Whitening at the Dentist

Is your smile getting negative attention? Do you have problems with stained, discolored, or yellow teeth? Are you interested in getting an effective teeth whitening treatment?

Dr. Jayme A. Oliveira Filho at Alencar Family Dentistry provides the latest and most advanced teeth whitening treatments for patients in Chesapeake, Virginia. 

Benefits of Teeth Whitening at the Dentist

Teeth whitening treatments performed professionally in a dentist’s office like Alencar Family Dentistry offer countless benefits to patients with tooth discoloration. 

These treatments can brighten your teeth by up to 8 shades, support your dental health, and provide long-lasting results. 

Patients who benefit from our teeth whitening treatments are also motivated to maintain their smiles through regular brushing and flossing, as well as regular dental checkups and professional cleanings.

Why Choose an In-Office Teeth Whitening Procedure?

While there are several options for over-the-counter teeth whitening treatments, none of them can match the quality and long-term results of professional whitening procedures. 

In-office professional teeth whitening procedures are very effective because the bleaching agents used are stronger than those available in drugstore kits. In addition, this type of whitening lowers the risk of gum or tooth sensitivity post-treatment.

In-office teeth whitening is also the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure in the world today because it is performed and monitored carefully in a controlled environment. 

What Does an In-Office Teeth Whitening Procedure Entail?

When you come to our dental office for a teeth whitening procedure, we will evaluate the condition of your teeth to come up with a customized strategy to provide you the desired results.

In most cases, this involves using a hydrogen-peroxide bleaching solution along with a protective barrier to shield your tooth enamel from any damage. The gel is left on your teeth for up to half an hour to ensure that the active agents have time to work. 

In the end, the shade of your teeth is evaluated and, if required, another round of solution is applied to achieve the color you want.

Once the in-office teeth whitening procedure is complete, the results will last for a long time, ensuring that your smile makes the right impression on everyone you meet.

Dr. Jayme Alencar Oliveira at Alencar Family Dentistry will help you get your shiny smile back. Contact us at (757) 546-0301 to schedule a consultation and find out more about our teeth whitening treatments.


711 Greenbrier Pkwy Suite 101, Chesapeake, VA 23320

Office Hours

MON - FRI 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

SAT - SUN Closed

Get in Touch

Email: joliveira@alencarfamilydentistry.com

Phone: (757) 546-0301

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