Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces

At Alencar Family Dentistry, we can help straighten your teeth and give you a perfect smile. There are two methods available, namely traditional braces and the more modern Invisalign aligners. 

Both procedures are beneficial for straightening teeth, and we can assist you in making the right choice based on the nature of your dental issues. 

Read on to learn the main differences between these two teeth straightening solutions. 

Main Differences Between Invisalign and Traditional Braces 

  • Appearance

The most significant difference between metal braces and Invisalign is their appearance. Invisalign will score in this category as Invisalign trays are made from transparent plastic material that is virtually invisible, while traditional metal braces are more noticeable. 

If you want your teeth alignment treatment to be discreet, Invisalign is the better choice. 

  • Comfort

Straightening your teeth is not always going to be a comfortable experience. Whether it is Invisalign or metal braces, the process of aligning your teeth will include some degree of discomfort. 

Invisalign treatment is considered more comfortable than traditional braces because it applies less pressure to the teeth. Moreover, traditional braces have sharper edges that can cut the inner lip or the tongue.

  • Effectiveness

Traditional metal braces are considered more effective in cases where the teeth are severely misaligned. Traditional braces are fixed, cannot be removed, and must be worn continuously until the treatment ends.

Invisalign aligners can treat a wide range of alignment issues and are removable. However, they must be worn 20-22 hours per day and, if the patient does not comply with the suggested time of use, the procedure may not be so effective. 

  • Convenience

Metal braces can prevent you from eating certain foods, which can be annoying. 

Invisalign is more convenient in this respect as the aligners can be removed before eating, thus allowing you to eat anything you want.

  • Care and Cleaning

No matter if you use traditional braces or Invisalign, cleaning your teeth should be a priority. 

In general, the cleaning process is more manageable with Invisalign because you can brush and floss normally. With traditional braces, food can get stuck in the metal and you will need more time to clean your teeth. 

  • Follow-up and Post-treatment

Regular appointments are necessary whether you have braces or Invisalign. For braces, this usually means that you have to consult your orthodontist at least once a month and for Invisalign every 4-6 weeks.

If you are trying to make a decision about what kind of teeth straightening treatment is best for you, be sure to contact Alencar Family Dentistry at (757) 546-0301. We can provide you with all the details that can help you make an informed decision. 


711 Greenbrier Pkwy Suite 101, Chesapeake, VA 23320

Office Hours

MON - FRI 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

SAT - SUN Closed

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