Post-Op Care for Dental Implants

An implant is the most technologically advanced, natural-looking, and durable option for missing teeth. As getting dental implants requires oral surgery, the recovery process is a little longer than other non-invasive dental procedures. If you plan to get implants, here is some information about post-op care for them. 

The Pre-Surgery Procedure 

Before we begin the implant procedure, we will examine your oral cavity for infections, cavities, or gum diseases. In the presence of any dental issue, we will restore optimal oral health before beginning the implant procedure. 

We will also check the bone density through an x-ray. If your bone density is low, we will carry out bone grafting. If you have uncontrollable diabetes, we try to control your blood sugar level before implant surgery or change the timing of the surgery. 

How Can I Prepare for Surgery? 

Taking ibuprofen and using ice packs help in reducing swelling. So, keep some ice packs in your freezer. Also, stock up your refrigerator with soft food, nutritional drinks, soup, water, or any other thing you might want during your recovery procedure, as you may not be able to go to the grocery store.  

Take some days off from your work. You will be able to resume work one to two days after the surgery. Plus, take a good night's sleep before the day of your surgery. Getting plenty of rest before surgery will help you during the healing process.

Post-Surgery Care 

We will let you out of the clinic only after the wound forms a blood clot and your condition is stable. You can use gauze to keep bleeding arrested. Plus, we prescribe you medicated rinse to keep your gums clean. We also suggest brushing the remaining teeth without irritating your gums.

For the first three to five days, you might experience soreness and swelling. It would be better to do light work and pick up gradually. We will advise you to take a soft diet that is not too cold or too hot. You can slowly start having normal food, but do not eat anything sticky or hard. 

For post-operative discomfort, we will prescribe you medication. We will also prescribe antibiotics to reduce the chances of infection on the surgery site. Once the jawbone fuses with the titanium implant, we will get robust support to attach the replacement teeth. Attaching crowns will only cause slight sensitivity that will subside with ibuprofen. You will not experience swelling or an extensive recovery process.


Please reach out to Alencar Family Dentistry in Chesapeake, VA, to have a consultation with our dentist, Dr. O. Please call us at (757) 546-0301 or schedule an online consultation, and we'll guide you further.


711 Greenbrier Pkwy Suite 101, Chesapeake, VA 23320

Office Hours

MON - FRI 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

SAT - SUN Closed

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